U.S. Government. Malachite LLC is the real estate expert on the team helping the U.S. government to implement the Energy Independence and Security Act. The resulting guidelines will be used by the federal government to reduce energy consumption throughout the U.S. This government-wide effort is being coordinated by the U.S.Department of Energy.
Malachite LLC is a small, woman-owned business with extensive, high-level experience in the development of federal, state and local policies related to sustainability, energy efficiency, real estate, public finance and public-private initiatives. Our team members, in current and previous employment, have worked with HUD, EPA, officials from the Department of Energy, the U.S. State Department, and other federal, state and local entities on program and policy issues.
U.S. Department of Energy. In addition to serving as the real estate expert for guidance implementing the Energy Independence and Security Act, a government-wide effort led by the U.S. Department of Energy, Malachite LLC has served on the advisory board to the Department of Energy’s Commercial Buildings Initiative. The Commercial Buildings Initiative promotes the use of energy-efficiency technologies throughout the U.S. commercial real estate industry.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Malachite LLC advises the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on finance policy as a member of EPA’s Environmental Finance Advisory Board. Malachite led the work group on using PACE (property assessed clean energy) programs to finance energy-efficient building retrofits and other environmnetally-friendly activities.
City of Washington, D.C. Malachite LLC is a member of the team advising the District of Columbia on a potential PACE (property assessed clean energy) financing initiative. Malachite advised Washington, DC on the creation of its Green Building Act, as a member of the District of Columbia’s Green Building Task Force. The Green Building Act has been hailed as one of the most innovative sustainable building ordinances in the U.S. Malachite LLC also helped the District of Columbia to develop its application for supplemental Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funding, to finance the energy-efficient and green retrofit of multi-family and commercial properties.
Falls Church, Virginia. Malachite LLC assisted the City of Falls Church, Virginia in developing a comprehensive program to deliver energy-efficient commercial and residential retrofits, and preparing the City’s application for funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the federal stimulus. Services provided included the assembly of an expert advisory team; the development and execution of a ‘visioning’ summit; identifying sources and securing contingent commitments for additional private financing support; and application drafting.
Virginia Energy Efficiency Finance Consortium. Malachite LLC assisted Virginia Community Capital, a community finance development institution (CDFI) and a consortium of Virginia state government, university and non-profit organizations, apply for Department of Energy loan guarantees to be used for renewable energy production, energy-related manufacturing, and energy-efficient building retrofits. Malachite LLC assisted in consortium creation; assisted in the development of financing and underwriting strategies; assembled a technical support team; and drafted the application to the Department of Energy.